Content that is built to last!

So… what exactly is evergreen content?

Evergreen content is a term that you may have heard bandied about in blogging circles for a while now. Any web design expert will tell you that “evergreen content” has become a common practice included in their content strategy and blog writing.

To sum it up as simply as possible, evergreen content is always going to be relevant throughout time. This post, for example, could be considered evergreen content. It will always be considered current, relevant and of importance to your readers.

The word “evergreen” is usually associated with Evergreen trees. These are Pine or Fir trees. These trees always retain their leaves and pine needles throughout the seasons, unlike many of the other trees that shed their leaves prior to winter time. This term has fit perfectly for “evergreen content”, as the content will last for all 4 seasons, and years beyond that.

An example of what could be a good ‘evergreen topic’ for an article is: “What exactly is SEO?”. There is a firm definition for the acronym ‘SEO’ – ‘Search Engine Optimization‘ and what this actually means. On the other hand, if a user searched “Best Practices for SEO in 2018”, the article would have to be specific for the current year and any updates for SEO during that current time.

When the year 2019 comes along, then the “Best practices for SEO 2018” article is deemed irrelevant, outdated, and of no longer good use for the reader.

Why should I use evergreen content on my blog?

There are certainly some key advantages of using and offering evergreen content for your readers on your blog:

Evergreen content is not date-oriented, will always be relevant and of good use for your readers, and can be continually posted throughout the years. This helps take off some of the work load for having to continuously write updated and current articles for your users.

You write your evergreen article once, and you will always have it around to re post and share with your targeted audience!

Also, evergreen content usually provides more basic introductory information for your readers. This is a great opportunity to introduce and engage your readers, while offering them links to gather more information on your website that is more specific to the topic that they are currently reading. Many SEO consultants will agree that log lasting ad well linked content will do wonders for your search results.


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Some post formats to help you get started on writing evergreen articles:

  • How-to guides or tutorials:
    Writing about an informative guide or tutorial about a sustainable subject is great for lasting content. This is if the rules of the guide or tutorial never change.
  • Frequently Asked Questions FAQ:
    These can act as a great and informational introduction for your readers. Providing the most sought out questions pertaining to a subject…and then the answers.
  • Creating a resources list:
    Many web searchers are looking for a comprehensive list of resources to give them a variety of information on they topic they are searching. As long as the links are updated, you can share these resource list articles, over and over.
  • Product Reviews:
    These are never going away once posted, and people love reading reviews on all sorts of products!
  • Some Top Tips:
    This could include something like – “7 Tips for Better Organizing Your Living Room for Company”.
  • Videos:
    ‘How to’ or instructional videos make for great evergreen content. A video on explaining ‘How to paint your walls without getting paint on the carpet’ – is just one great example.
  • Idea lists:
    Can also make great evergreen content. So can a list of the best free and paid tools. Whether they are paid or free, may change, but them being great tools will not change.

A few things which Evergreen Content is not:

Let’s ask ourselves a few questions on deciding if the content is Evergreen or not:

Is the topic going to be relevant a year from now? Is the topic centered around facts that will never change throughout time? Or is it more speculation and opinions?

A few topics that are not Evergreen:

  • Latest trends. (fashion, technology, etc.)
  • Pop culture articles
  • Breaking News story articles
  • Current statistical reports which will eventually be out of date
  • Moment in time content (holiday shopper guide, Super Bowl predictions etc.)

Some great subjects – which never get old and could make for great evergreen articles:

  • Parenting
  • Romance and love
  • Health and fitness
  • Food
  • Pet Care
  • Travel

A few tips on writing your evergreen content

  • Avoid lots of technical jargon when writing:
    Since this type of writing is streamlined more for beginners visiting your website, keep the writing more simple. There is a time and place for more advanced and specific articles that pertain to that audience looking for this.
  • Don’t focus on writing for the Experts
    Evergreen articles have a certain target audience that usually includes beginners. The experts probably wont have much to do with your article…as they are all ready familiar with the basics that your article is getting across. Stick with writing for and targeting the curious beginners.
  • Keep your topic narrow and the article on the shorter side:
    Most of the beginners visiting your article will lose interest, if the topic is too broad, and the article goes on forever. An article about – “7 Fonts that are web safe to use on your website” – would be narrow, short and interesting for your reader.
  • Update and re-purpose your content:
    Updating your evergreen articles and re-purposing it by making it more relevant in the upcoming months is always a great idea for newer audiences.

Mix up your evergreen articles with topical articles

While evergreen content can be shared over and over again throughout time, you should not only be writing these types of articles for your blog. There is a huge audience out there searching for newer and relevant topics.

What are the latest SEO trends and Algorithm changes? Did the president of the US really just get impeached? What are any new changes or updates to Social Media Platforms?

So yes, evergreen content has a purpose, as we went over above, and can be recycled continuously. But, the higher traffic searches are geared toward newer and time relevant topics. So use a good mixture and always try to be informative and engaging no matter what, when writing your next article.

For any questions on content writing or content marketing, feel free to call us today!